the painting is almost finished. The painter must have snuck in on a Sunday to finish because other work was completed over the painting on the Monday too. There are still a few areas to complete the painting including a couple of feature walls he'll do closer to handover to avoid any damage to them. Most of the internal staining has been done leaving the external staining and front door to go. The painting in general is fairly good but there are a few areas I'll point out at our next site meeting. Nothing major, just little bits like un-sanded filler, chips and marks that have been painted over. I guess it's quicker for them to get the painting done and return to fix a few things than spending a few days inspecting and fixing everything beforehand. Either way we are happy with the results so far.
The colours we have chosen are noted in my first painting post back here if you are interested.
Ohh yeah, for those of you following this blog, brickwork still isn't complete. Close but not done:-)
Here's the photos!
Hi There, it was good to see your photos :) we are still stagnant, 1 forward then 10 back and wait. I wanted to message you as soon as i looked at your photos, i hope i am not a bearer of bad news but felt i had to ask you. Here goes :)
ReplyDeleteThe third photo down shows your staircase looking into the kitchen, from the angle i can see your island bench top sticks out quite a bit, unless its the angle. The reason i mention this is, if you selected the offer where you got the deeper/extended island bench top like we did that increases you bench top depth to 1020mm/1040mm. so in your kitchen culture quote with all your selections it will be noted to move your bench top back towards your cooker by 200mm, if not this will have your bench top stick out past the hallway wall, where it should be lined up flush. This being said you may have chosen this to be that way. The reason we know this is, it has been discovered with our site and needs to be rectified , we marked/simulated with wood straps what the layout would be like and it was not for us.
I sincerely hope this is not the case for you, but if it is would rather you get it fixed sooner rather than later.
Thanks for your concern. :-) It's always good to have another set of eyes looking over things. I think it is just the angle the photo was taken on that makes it appear that way. There is a photo in the tiles are a go post taken from the rear of the house where you can see tile lines indicating that it doesn't stick out or if it does it's not by much. Our bench promo was for waterfall ends with 40mm top but we changed it to 80mm top, 3600mm long and 1100mm deep. We also specified a distance between Stove and Island bench of 1200mm. I have measured the island bench gap onsite but don't recall specifically checking if the bench juts out to be visible from the entry hall or not. It may stick out a tiny bit but I'm sure I would have noticed it by now if it jut out 200mm or so. Our new house is only a minute out of my way when I travel home so I call past 3 or 4 times a week to check progress. Our tender presenter was very good at showing us these sort of things too and really mindful of day to day family use vs display home extravaganza. Cheers Dale.