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Friday, 19 May 2017

Front Doors installed

Our front doors have been installed.

Our selection for front door are Infinity 8G at 2340MM high. These are an upgrade and also different to those available and WOS. We just went through the option on Corinthian Doors website and got pricing from Porter Davis. The total upgrade was a little over $2500 for the 2 doors including staining the doors and door jams instead of paint.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Kitchen and Bathroom Cabinets Arrived!

As the title says the kitchen and bathroom cabinets arrived yesterday 9/5/2017 and then today they were installed. Most of out benchtops are stone so they are completed later on. Now that the cabinets are in they can accurately measure the bench spaces and make the benchtops to suit. It is really good to see the spaces coming together as our home.

As I guess a lot of families do, we spend a lot of time

Friday, 5 May 2017

A reverse build? Huh, a what?

Yeah me neither. :-) I didn't know there was such a thing as a reverse build. Well at least that's how it got described to me as "sometimes we will do a reverse build".

What is it?

A reverse build is when a lot of work is completed before the bricks and lockup are completed. What it has meant for us is that on the outside we have roof tiles, windows/doors and sisalation wrap. But on the inside we have, electrical, plumbing, data, insulation, heating/AC ducts, plaster, cornices, plaster filled and sanded, stairs and soon skirting and architraves.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Stairs, Glorious Stairs!

Today I arrived onsite to have a bit of look see, expecting to see brickwork started. Instead our stairs have been installed. Our staircase is Staircase Option 2 with extended balustrade. On the master plans there is a wall/dwarf wall at the Rumpus room section of the void.