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Saturday, 29 July 2017

Security System

For our security system we chose to have it mostly installed as part of the build. I looked at options to install after handover but everything offered was wireless. I didn't like the idea of replacing batteries on all of the sensors every year or so. Or not getting around to it and the alarm has a bypassed sensor zone while the battery is flat. Getting it installed with Porter Davis meant that all of the sensors would be wired, it would be operational from day 1 and I wouldn't have to worry about flat batteries. It seemed the better choice.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Bricks - Have Finished... Almost

It seems that things get finished to about 90% or so and then there is some sort of delay or reason it can't be finished. The brickwork took some time to get moving and started and stopped several times along the way. The main issue was with colour matching and but now we are complete... Actually we're not complete. The brickies can't complete the brickwork because there is scaffolding on the house and the garage space is covered with materials required to build our house. Ohh well, progress is still moving fairly quickly so we are happy either way.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Wardrobe Fitouts & Cubboards, Pantry etc

There are several suppliers of similar items when you build. For example; Electrical, Data, Alarm & TV/Phone prewire were done by 3 different teams on our build at 4 different times.  Then, I assume, they will all come back at similar but different times to complete their fitoff.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Painting is almost complete.

I still find it really interesting that it seems like nothing much happens to a certain part then in the blink of an eye painting if finished - well almost. It's about a month ago that our painting first started and after a few hold ups because of other things going on,